Monday, February 22, 2010

Digital Nation Analysis

The documentary Digital Nation is intriguing to me on many levels. The fact that technology is hindering us and not helping us makes sense to me as it has become a crutch instead of a tool. Though communicative technologies have helped society become more connected to one another they have also created a new dependance that is potentially detrimental. I personally know this dependance as I need my cell phone within arms reach at all times and even am guilty of sleeping with it under my pillow. Since I started this blog I have checked my facebook four times. When the documentary showed that the MIT students were unable to be successful whilst multi-tasking I was surprised because I also multi-task and thought that I was mildly successful at it. After seeing that I have less success than they do, I took it into deep consideration. My technological dependancy is now a larger concern as I see that its a true issue with success.

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